October 22nd, 2024

Public Speaking

John Levine speaks to industry, government, and professional groups on a wide range of topics.

Dr. Levine has been on the Internet and its predecessors for 20 years, and in the computer software business for over 25 years. As he moved from the software business into writing books and consulting, speaking has been a natural extension of those businesses.

The goals of both writing and speaking are fundamentally the same: to teach, to communicate the excitement and possibilities of the topic, and to break through the morass of details and confusion that so often get in the way of understanding computers and the Internet.


For each speaking engagement, Dr. Levine creates a talk that meets the needs of the talk's sponsor. In many cases, the sponsor wants one of the standard presentations, while in some cases they've spent several weeks defining the topics and working out the details of the talk.

Some frequent topics include:

  • Spyware, Phishing, Spam and Cybersecurity: What Can We Do?: We're all seen reports about the online security crisis. This talk outlines the problem and steps that organizations and individuals can take to formulate and implement their response.

  • Making E-mail Work for You: We all depend on e-mail, but spam and viruses can make e-mail pretty unpleasant. Is there a way out? A more specialized version of the presentation focusing on the spam crisis is also available.

  • What Identity Mean on the Internet? A 1993 New Yorker cartoon said ``On the Internet, nobody know's you're a dog.'' Then it was funny, now it's a problem as we try to use the Internet for commerce and other functions where identity is critical. We look at the evolving meaning of online identity, and trends in managing identity and reputation.

  • The Culture of the Internet: After twenty-five years, the Internet has developed a distinct culture of its own with traditions and expectations. Ignore them at your peril if you plan a net presence.

Speaking Events

Upcoming events include:

(None currently scheduled.)

Recent appearances include

Media appearances

John speaks with the press frequently, and is quoted and interviewed on a regular basis. Representative quotes and interviews include:

Members of the press requesting an interview can write to press@johnlevine.com.

Scheduling a speaking engagement

Contact John directly at speak@johnlevine.com to ask about possible topics and availability.

Contact his speaking agent The Leigh Bureau, by e-mail or telephone 1-908-253-8600, or fax 1-908-253-8601, for terms and costs. He generally does book signing events at no charge beyond expenses; book stores should contact him directly.

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