Public Speaking
John Levine speaks to industry, government, and professional groups
on a wide range of topics.
Dr. Levine has been on the Internet and its predecessors for 20 years,
and in the computer software business for over 25 years.
As he moved from the software business
into writing books and consulting, speaking has been a natural extension of those businesses.
The goals of both writing and speaking are fundamentally the same: to teach,
to communicate the excitement and possibilities of the topic, and to break
through the morass of details and confusion that so often get in the way
of understanding computers and the Internet.
For each speaking engagement, Dr. Levine creates a talk that meets the needs
of the talk's sponsor. In many cases, the sponsor wants one of the standard
while in some cases they've spent several weeks defining the topics and working
out the details of the talk.
Some frequent topics include:
Spyware, Phishing, Spam and Cybersecurity: What Can We Do?:
We're all seen reports about the online security crisis.
This talk outlines the problem and steps that organizations and
individuals can take to formulate and implement their response.
Making E-mail Work for You: We all depend on e-mail, but spam and
viruses can make e-mail pretty unpleasant. Is there a way out?
A more specialized
version of the presentation focusing on the spam crisis is also available.
What Identity Mean on the Internet? A 1993 New Yorker
cartoon said ``On the Internet, nobody know's you're a dog.'' Then it was
funny, now it's a problem as we try to use the Internet for commerce and
other functions where identity is critical. We look at the evolving meaning
of online identity, and trends in managing identity and reputation.
The Culture of the Internet: After twenty-five years, the Internet
has developed a distinct culture of its own with traditions and expectations.
Ignore them at your peril if you plan a net presence.
Speaking Events
Upcoming events include:
(None currently scheduled.)
Recent appearances include
Second annual Conference on Email and Spam,
Stanford University, 21-22 July
Speaking on Experience with Greylisting.
Oxford Internet Institute,
Oxford UK, 4 July
Spoke to a predominantly academic audience on Internet Governance for Dummies.
If you missed it, watch it as a
webcast or downloadable
quicktime movie.
European Conference on IT Management, Leadership and Governance,
University of Reading UK, 7 July
Speaking to a predominantly academic audience on Internet Governance for Dummies.
International Telecommunications Union
WSIS Thematic Meeting on Cybersecurity, 28 June-1 July, Geneva CH
Spoke on Limits of technical anti-spam approaches at
first day spam session
Business Law Spring Meeting, Nashville, 2 April 2005
Speaking on Spam-Fighting Technologies and Their Legal Implications
ICANN meeting,
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Participating as member of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
Industry Canada Roundtable Meeting of Canada's Task Force on Spam,
Ottawa, 3 December 2004.
Federal Trade Commission E-mail Authentication Summit, Washington DC, November 9-10 2004
Gave the keynote presentation to start the meeting, also spoke on international
Engineering Task Force 60th meeting, San Diego, August 1-6, 2004
Leading ASRG session on Aug 4 and plenary presentation on August 5.
First Conference on Email and
Anti-Spam (CEAS),Mountain View, CA, July 30 and 31, 2004
On program committee, speaking details not yet final.
International Telecommunications Union
WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam, July 7-9, Geneva CH
Spoke on Technical approaches
to spam and standards activities and reported on the Techical Solutions section of
the meeting.
Messaging Decisions Conference, May 4-6, Chicago IL
Spoke on Get Control of Spam at Your Organization.
E-mail Technology Conference,
June 16-18, 2004, San Francisco, CA
Lead a session on Can SMTP be Saved? and speaking on
What Does Identity Mean in Cyberspace?
Senate Commerce Committee
Invited to testify on March 23, 2004 at a
on S.2145, an anti-spyware bill, with Senators Burns, Wyden, Boxer, and Smith.
Written comments provided for the hearing.
Federal Trade Commission Spam Forum
Invited to speak at the
FTC Spam Forum on April 30-May 2, 2003
on Technical Approaches to Spam.
PDF version of slides from
the presentation.
Internet Law and Policy Forum
Invited participant at conference on spam in Ottawa, Canada, on
June 18, 2003 for members of the ILPF.
Media appearances
John speaks with the press frequently, and is quoted and interviewed on a regular basis.
Representative quotes and interviews include:
Finding a way to fry spam (February 24, 2004)
Extensive interview on CNet.
Some of the quotes got a little fractured, but the gist is easy enough to follow.
Lycos, Spammers Trade Blows
Quoted in PC World article on Lycos Europe gimmick purporting to
counterattack spam web sites.
Trial Shows How Spammers Operate
Quoted in syndicated Associated Press article about the nation's first criminal spamming
trial in which he was an expert witness for the prosecution.
Entrepreneur Magazine (July 2004, p. 28)
Cited as expert in Stamp It Out, an article on e-postage proposals.
Tribune de Genève
(July 10, 2004)
Report from the ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam.
Internet Week (June 18, 2004)
Story about the Email Tech Conference (described above) and session he
E-Commerce Times (April 19, 2004)
Quoted in article about anti-spam standards activities.
Washington Post (April 16, 2004)
Quoted in article about the Federal Trade Commission's proposed do-not-spam list.
National Public Radio Talk of the Nation
(March 8, 2004.)
Brief interview about Bill Gates' proposal to put postage on e-mail.
Quoted in many syndicated Associated Press articles such as ones on
the new CAN SPAM law (Jan 12, 2004),
hijacked ``zombie''
computers send spam (Feb 16, 2004), and
e-postage proposals (Mar 7, 2004).
CNet News.Com article (April 2, 2004)
on ``spim'' instant message spam
Newark (NJ) Star-Ledger
(March 11, 2004) on large ISPs' suits against spammers
InfoWorld article (March 26, 2004)
on implications of patents on anti-spam techniques.
Members of the press requesting an interview can write to press@johnlevine.com.
Scheduling a speaking engagement
Contact John directly at speak@johnlevine.com to ask about possible
topics and availability.
Contact his speaking agent The
Leigh Bureau, by e-mail or telephone 1-908-253-8600, or fax 1-908-253-8601,
for terms and costs. He generally does book signing events at no charge beyond expenses; book
stores should contact him directly.
For a print-quality 300 dpi version of John's publicity photo, press the shift
key while you click
on this link to the photo and save the file to your disk.